The Soul Mate Process

Steven Barnes - The Soul Mate Process

Steve Barnes has given me the tools to save my life
Victoria Whitlock

What is a soul mate?

It is not someone with whom you will never have conflict. There is conflict within the individual human heart.

It is not someone who knows your every thought and wish. YOU don’t even know everything you think and want. How could anyone else?

It is not something mystical and imaginary.

  • Attraction is one person looking at another.
  • Love is two people looking at each other.
  • A relationship is two people looking in the same direction.

Steven Barnes and wife Tananarive Due on beach.A “Soul Mate” is someone who, when you meet them, opens the door to your future. It might be gradual, or rapid, but you see that the path ahead can be traveled with a friend, a lover, a companion. Someone with whom you are sufficiently in synch that all those hormones start firing. The “Va Va Voom!” happens. But also simple friendship, and love, and mutual respect. Shared goals and values.

THIS is a Soul Mate. There is not “one” on a planet of billions. How insanely cruel would that be, to have our perfect partner be out of our reach, barring a miracle?

My home life is delightfully unrecognizable! I moved from having a series of good, but sort of nebulous relationships, to having a great partner in the form of a strong, intelligent, successful wife… and our new daughter is all the sweet I need in my life.
Adam Crafter

The Soul Mate Process was created over fifteen years of research and testing, and experiencing the same relationship challenges you’ve faced. It’s about finding a better, healthier way, to find and keep love.

This isn’t about how to pick up girls or make a man fall in love with you. This is about how to be a healthy human animal, one who attracts and is attracted, is sexual and dynamic, and can create a pair bond with another healthy human being.

How about this radical idea: why not actually BE healthy, sensual and dynamic? Why not ACTUALLY heal your heart so that you can attract the partner you deserve?

What a concept!

This is about finding the partner of your dreams, and building a life with him, or her. This course is not for children, or people looking for a “quick fix.” It is for adult human beings who want lasting relationships with another adult human being.

Presented by Steven Barnes, life coach, CST coach and certified hypnotist as well as acclaimed and award-winning novelist and screenwriter, in over 6 hours of digital audio, you will learn:

  • To identify what you are really looking for, and how it relates to who and what you really want to be in life.
  • How to begin the process of change and healing that creates the room for the man or woman of your dreams.
  • The secret of sexual attraction and magnetism.
  • A dynamic perspective on what men and women really want from a partner…and how this knowledge will change your life.
  • The real story behind the lessons Steven Barnes learned in his own life, and how he applied the lessons of courtship and instant attraction to his coaching, teaching, and personal life, and how to apply them in your life.
  • The “Ten Steps” connecting the world’s oldest self improvement technique with YOUR path of growth and love.
  • How to take daily, actions – not “chasing after love” – preparing yourself for the love of your dreams, and simultaneously “broadcasting” your readiness for true love.
  • How to “grow up” out of the childish illusions of love promoted by Hollywood and romance novels, or the “sourpusses” who believe there are “no good men” or “no good women” and find the real thing: a partner who will support you emotionally, love you passionately and deeply, share your hopes and dreams with you…and knock your socks off in the bedroom. Come on, be honest – isn’t that what you really want?

I was desperate to find someone to love me that I got in bad relationship after bad relationship for no other reason than that they would have me and I just didn’t want to be alone. It was not until I realized that the type of woman who I wanted and could have a deep and long lasting happy relationship with would not be attracted to the type of person I was acting like that I began to change myself. And once I began that change I met the woman of my dreams. We’ve been married for over a year now and our relationship is stronger, happier, and healthier than the old me would have ever thought possible

Mike Rails

The Soul Mate Process includes digital audio covering over 6 hours of intimate discussions and lessons, downloadable PDF files to help you through the exercises and process of improving your love life and finding yourself and your ideal soul mate.

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The Soul Mate Process is now available for USD $49.95 through this secure order form.

I wish I could take a week off and do nothing but listen to this wonderful course!
Terrie Williams, publicist for Miles Davis, Eddie Murphy, Johnnie L. Cochran, Time Warner, and HBO.

My body was crap, I was deep in credit card debt and unemployed, and I had a string of deeply unsatisfying relationships. And now…I am debt free, have a body I’m damned proud of, and am now married to a wonderful woman who supports me as much as I support her and who loves me as much as I love her.
Mike Rails

Both my personal and professional relationships have surged to heights that would give most people a nosebleed!
Andy Duncan,